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Imagine Belgium is Back!

After a 5 year hiatus, Imagine - the international all-styles music competition for young artists - is back in Belgium!

Imagine is a global music program by JM International for young musicians between the ages of 13 and 21, that currently takes place in 8 countries across 3 continents. At Imagine, musicians get to share their talent with the world, receive training from music industry experts and connect with young musicians from different genres and countries, building friendships and professional relationships that could change their lives forever!

La Fédération des Jeunesses musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles and Jeugd en Muziek Brussel are the organisers of the Belgian edition.

Registrations for Imagine Belgium open on the 3rd of March until the 15th of May 2021. The Belgian National Finals are set to take place on the 26th of June 2021 at the Botanique in Brussels, and the winners will have the amazing opportunity of participating in the Imagine International Finals from 1-5 September 2021 together with musicians from 7 other countries including Brazil, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Zimbabwe.

The relaunch of the competition this year, particularly disrupted in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, will hopefully provide young people with meaning, energy, as well as the tools and framework for their musical practice. Aware of the difficulties related to health measures, the preselections will take place exclusively online and the final will be showcased on stage in strict compliance with health measures, while still giving young artists a place to make their voices heard.

Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles and Jeugd en Muziek Brussel, are excited to announce the relaunch of Imagine Belgium and what it means for their country's young musicians . Thousands of young Belgians got their first break at Imagine since it started in 2003, including the Compact Disk Dummies, Green Moon, Milo Meskens, and Geppetto & the Whales to name a few.

For more information:

Watch the teaser below!

Imagine Belgium is a program of JM International, Jeugd en Muziek Brussel and the Fédération des Jeunesses Musicales Wallonie-Bruxelles, with the support of La Loterie Nationale, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie and la Ville de Bruxelles.

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